Saturday, February 18, 2012

What a GREAT Day

What a day!!! I am gonna just lay it right out there, the past few months have been beyond rough around here. We have had more bad days than good, which can really wear on you. But! It so totally makes you appreciate the good days all that much more! And today! Woohoo! Today was a GOOD day!!!!

Last night my daughter had a friend sleepover. Normally the next morning after breakfast the sleepover guest returns home. Well, the girls were having fun, minding their manners and being helpful so I called her parents and asked if she could hang with us until mid-afternoon. She stayed and we all took advantage of the gorgeous Carolina sun and warm temperatures! (The thermometer read 67 at one point today, in mid-February no less!!!)

However, as the day progressed in the way that lazy Saturdays do my 3-year-old son never had a chance for a nap. This blew up on us shortly after supper! Wow! Cranky isn't a strong enough word for the actions of my little man! Bless his heart, you could just tell he was overstimulated and overtired because he didn't really know what he wanted, one minute he asked for one thing and one he asked for the total opposite. He cried when I laid him in bed but he was asleep in less than two minutes. Poor guy!

Well, things I learned today span from toddler to tastiness and I think that's another layer on why today was SO great! I read while the kids played at the park and since I'm now in a different place (aspiring author instead of a simple reader or fan) I found myself thinking over how a certain word should have been used twice in one sentence or how the description was a little awkward and didn't flow with the rest of the Chapter.

I also learned to love cooking all over again, it's the most fun when hubby and I collaborate over a spectacularly simple yet tasty meal! Oh, and I love when I get my family to try a veggie they think they don't like (cauliflower) and they end up LOVING it! Now that I've finally tuned out the TV (well, sorta) I think I've also learned that, um...wait, what was I...OOOOO, look, Dale Jr!!! I gotta go!

Lessons Learned:
*I should not watch TV when I'm trying to be productive (especially when it's the first NASCAR broadcast on a non-cable channel in how many months?)
*Impulsive meals can be AMAZING for the taste buds!
*My toddler is not fun after 5:00pm if he's missed his nap!
*The more I get into trying to revise my manuscript the more critical my readers' eye becomes. I found myself stopping and "rewriting" in my mind a few parts of the novel I read today.
*I should NOT keep the TV on when I'm trying to...oh, wait, did I, look it's...

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