For those who don't already know, I've been married to George for thirteen years as of a month from tomorrow. Our life together has been up, down and taken us hundreds of miles from where we each grew up. We've moved six times across three different states. George has tattoo for each one. I have shot glasses. We disagree on football, finances and God. We share a love for each other, our kids and NASCAR.
George has a plethora of bad habits. He belches and passes gas without saying, 'excuse me,' He wears a hat to the supper table. He goes off on crazy ideas like paramedic courses or Harley riding classes but doesn't finish them. He cusses a little too much for me. He's addicted to junk food & soda.
George has a good side. He has been there for me through the birth of our two children, held my hand the entire time. He makes our kids laugh. He helps out friends and neighbors without a thought. He never makes me mow the lawn. He puts up with me and my wacky mood swings. He believes in me and makes me feel beautiful no matter what I actually may look like.
I bet if you ask him he has his own lists about me! We live in the real world where we don't always see eye to eye. We talk through things. We walk away from talking when it's needed. We come back to it and find a compromise. We love each other no matter what. It gets us through. Real life love takes more than 100% commitment from both people to work. And it is work. But it is so worth it.
Marriage isn't the only relationship that takes work, love and compromise. True friends love you because of your imperfections, not in spite of them. Cherish those in your life who see you heart and adore you for every part of who you are. Remember to laugh as often as possible. Take each other by the hand and find the silver linings in life together.
Thankful for: A marriage blessed by love, compromise and my soul's true mate.
Second thanks: My true friends, ALL of them, who take my life to new and amazing places daily.
Lessons Learned:
*Too much sleep makes me cranky. This means my recent insomnia has been my good friend.
*When Momma Bear is cranky the kids go berserk. This does not improve Momma's mood.
*Finding a way to channel your energy into something positive is the only way to really live in this, "crazy, tragic, sometimes almost magic, awful, beautiful life."
*Life's lemons make good lemonade, but its limes make fantabulous margaritas! Best shared with friends!
*Emergen-C and Lysol ROCK at battling Flu germs! Fingers crossed we dodged the bullet!!!
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