Tuesday, March 6, 2012

"Pay It Forward"

If you read last night's post you know I had a rough night. I am addicted to Twitter and usually cut up with some new online friends but last night I said I was not up for it. One friend made it their personal mission to cheer me up. There was nothing in it for them but to help a new friend end the night on a better note. They gave without expecting in return.

I never saw the movie but I get the concept. Today I kind of did my own.  I needed to focus on others, keep my mind off my worries. I wanted needed to focus on positive things. So I drove around town bringing homemade fudge to some sweet people I know (and/or kinda know). I even got the chance to "sneak drop" treats, it was fun. It wasn't about me, it was about giving. 

It's addicting, doing for others. I find once I do one thing I want to do more. I wish I had the resources to bless others abundantly. And often. If you don't believe me I challenge you to try it! You'll see! And if I'm wrong than you can tell me so. I think you'll find yourself wanting to do more. But maybe it's just me.

What will you do for someone else this week? Without expecting anything in return?

Thankful for: opportunities to be the blessing ;o)
My second thankful: simple things that can make a big impact!

Lessons Learned:
*I need to speak up more and faster when appropriate
*Prayer is powerful and should be used often
*It's okay to have a good cry now & again, just don't dwell on the bad, get it out and get 'er done!
*When an opportunity is presented don't fall asleep at the wheel!
*You don't have to meet someone in person to become friends with them!

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