Sunday, March 18, 2012

Do You Really Listen?

Self esteem. It's a funny thing. It can be high, or low. Healthy or warped. It can feed a raging ego or spiral one into depression. It can be completely on our own weird perceptions or it can be formed by what we hear others say.

We hear what people say to us but are we really listening? When we receive constructive criticism do we act upon it to make self improvements? If we are given a compliment do we take it to heart with a humble, accepting  spirit? Are we wise enough to discern the truth from the words we hear?

I battled with whether to make this about me, share my experience in order to help you find yours...I don't want to sound like I'm 'all about me' so I'm going to keep it vague for now. IF you want me to elaborate on my own self esteem levels and how they've changed  plus how I've grown then you'll have to comment below and I'll work it into another blog. :o)

What I will say is a quote from an old college I have always adored: God gave you two ears and one mouth for a reason! We should listen, not just hear, what people are saying to us. How we react to what is being said is our choice. We can turn everything into a positive. Even negative comments because they can help our practice with choosing to react positively no matter what. 

So, we may hear, but do we really listen? Here's how you can tell...if you're thinking about what you want to say next before the talker is finished speaking then you are merely hearing sounds. If you want to truly listen you must focus 100% on the other person when they are speaking. You may surprise yourself with what you'll learn!

Thankful today: for my amazing kids! They may be a lil crazy but that's b/c they're mine! :o) Don't fall far from the tree, bless their lil hearts! 
Second Thanks: Forgiveness. It is a blessing to receive and to give. Life is WAY too short to hold onto any negativity. Let it go. :o)

Lessons Learned: 
*I have Twitter fans and they think I'm funny and I think that's amazing! They are all amazing! :o)
*I am humbled and honored every time I receive a compliment, it's amazing how a heart that feels so full can keep growing inside me. <3
*My daughter says I have learned it takes her 3 hours to clean her room. Honey child if you kept up with it this would have taken 5 minutes!
*My husband does not take lightly to my safety, virtual or otherwise. LOVE him! :o)
*I am not a fan of basketball unless I'm there in person. BORING on TV to me. Sorry. 

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