A little over eleven years ago, NASCAR Nation and I watch in horror as our beloved (or in some cases enemy) black #3 took a now infamous turn into the wall on the last lap. I am not one who remembers things in vivid detail, call it a blessing or a curse I'm just plain forgetful. But some images are burned into even the most elusive of minds. That whole day is burned into mine.
In the months, etc that followed our beloved sport saw great strides taken in implementing new safety features/measures. Safer walls, HANS devices, and on and on... Watch the highlight clips from the past week and a half at Daytona to see how this technology is saving lives, there were several crashes to choose from where it is still with amazement we can watch them literally WALK away. Better yet, tune in for today's NNS or tomorrow's Daytona 500 to see it unfold live.
I can never think back on the amazing safety technology without the question coming to mind...what does it take? This is not limited to great strides in racing safety, or any sport, this is a universal concept. What does it take for people to stand up and take action instead of just sitting back and complaining? Or speculating? Or forewarning even? How drastic must the tragedy be before someone says, "we can't wait any longer, we need to fix this now."
Sadly, in many cases, it takes too much. It takes a life, or several lives. Think of the FDA and their recalls, sometimes way too late. Think of the war on terror and those who called for action years before that fateful September morning. Think about your own life. What does it take for your to make a change when you desperately need to? Is there something right now that you've been thinking of or meaning to change? What's holding you back? What will it take to step forward and fix it?
Thankful today: For all the safety devices that make it possible for a driver to walk away virtually uninjured from wrecks like this: http://youtu.be/6V7rE4Z0SW0
Lessons Learned:
*Knowing a driver will most likely walk away does not keep my heart and lungs from stopping until that window net drops!
*I am STILL learning the damages in my life from not fixing something soon enough...I may never stop learning that lesson, I just hope I can use it to help someone else someday
*I like my random blog just the way it is...even if no one is commenting or reading it much! ;o)
*What it takes to fix something is in direct proportion to what it is, who you are and where you're at in life
*Too little too late is something you can never take back...ever.
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